Science Sources

Search the database below for peer-reviewed studies and organizational reports documenting climate change trends. (Note: The database does not include studies on projected, or future change.) For studies that specifically identify the fingerprint of climate change on observed trends and events, visit Science Sources: Detection and Attribution.


Title Source Date Author(s)
Climate change now detectable from any single day of weather at global scale Nature Climate Change Sebastian Sippel, Nicolai Meinshausen, Erich M. Fischer, Enikő Székely, Reto Knutti
Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change Assessment: Part I Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Thomas Knutson, Suzana J. Camargo, Johnny C. L. Chan, Kerry Emanuel, Chang-Hoi Ho, James Kossin, Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, Masaki Satoh, Masato Sugi, Kevin Walsh, and Liguang Wu
NCA 4: Climate Change Impacts in the United States (Volume I) U.S. Global Change Research Program Donald Wuebbles, David Fahey, and Kathleen Hibbard
IPCC AR5 WGI: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis Cambridge University Press Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley (eds.)
Attribution of climate extreme events Nature Climate Change Kevin E. Trenberth, John T. Fasullo & Theodore G. Shepherd
Title Source Date Author(s)
Extremes of summer climate trigger thousands of thermokarst landslides in a High Arctic environment Nature Communications Antoni G. Lewkowicz, Robert G. Way
EEE 2017: December 2016: Linking The Lowest Arctic Sea-ice Extent On Record With The Lowest European Precipitation Event On Record Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Juan C. Acosta Navarro, Pablo Ortega, Javier García-Serrano, Virginie Guemas, Etienne Tourigny, Rubén Cruz-García, François Massonnet, and Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes
EEE 2017: The Extremely Wet March of 2017 in Peru Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Nikolaos Christidis, Richard A. Betts, and Peter A. Stott
EEE 2017: Attribution of the 2017 Northern High Plains Drought Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Hailan Wang, Siegfried D. Schubert, Randal D. Koster, and Yehui Chang
EEE 2017: Anthropogenic Contributions to the Intensity of the 2017 United States Northern Great Plains Drought Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Andrew Hoell, Judith Perlwitz, Candida Dewes, Klaus Wolter, Imtiaz Rangwala, Xiao-Wei Quan, and Jon Eischeid
EEE 2017: Observations of the Rate and Acceleration of Global Mean Sea Level Change Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society R. S. Nerem and J. Fasullo
Interruption of two decades of Jakobshavn Isbrae acceleration and thinning as regional ocean cools Nature Geoscience Ala Khazendar, Ian G. Fenty, Dustin Carroll, Alex Gardner, Craig M. Lee, Ichiro Fukumori, Ou Wang, Hong Zhang, Hélène Seroussi, Delwyn Moller, Brice P. Y. Noël, Michiel R. van den Broeke, Steven Dinardo, Josh Willis
The Effect of Global Warming on Severe Thunderstorms in the United States Journal of Climate
Surface-Based Convective Potential in the Contiguous United States in a Business-as-Usual Future Climate Journal of Climate Sara L. Van Klooster and Paul J. Roebber
Stream flow in Minnesota: Indicator of climate change Journal of Hydrology Eric V. Novotny and Heinz G.Stefan
Are climatic or land cover changes the dominant cause of runoff trends in the Upper Mississippi River Basin? Geophysical Research Letters Chris Frans, Erkan Istanbulluoglu, Vimal Mishra, Francisco Munoz‐Arriola, Dennis P. Lettenmaier
Roles of climate and agricultural practices in discharge changes in an agricultural watershed in Iowa Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment Gabriele Villarini and Aaron Strong
A simple approach to distinguish land-use and climate-change effects on watershed hydrology Journal of Hydrology Mark D.Tomer and Keith E.Schilling
Impact of Climate Variability on Runoff in the North-Central United States ASCE Library Karen R. Ryberg; Wei Lin, M.ASCE; and Aldo V. Vecchia
Heavy Precipitation and High Streamflow in the Contiguous United States: Trends in the Twentieth Century Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Pavel Ya. Groisman, Richard W. Knight, and Thomas R. Karl
Investigating the relationship between the frequency of flooding over the central United States and large-scale climate Advances in Water Resources Iman Mallakpour and Gabriele Villarini
Widespread shifts in the coastal biota of northern California during the 2014–2016 marine heatwaves Scientific Reports Eric Sanford, Jacqueline L. Sones, Marisol García-Reyes, Jeffrey H. R. Goddard, John L. Largier
Estimations of Hazardous Convective Weather in the United States Using Dynamical Downscaling Journal of Climate Vittorio A. Gensini and Thomas L. Mote
Past and future spread of the arbovirus vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus Nature Microbiology Moritz U. G. Kraemer, Robert C. Reiner, Oliver J. Brady et al.
Increased Greenland melt triggered by large-scale, year-round cyclonic moisture intrusions The Cryosphere Oltmanns, Marilena, Straneo, Fiammetta, Tedesco, Marco