Science Sources

Search the database below for peer-reviewed studies and organizational reports documenting climate change trends. (Note: The database does not include studies on projected, or future change.) For studies that specifically identify the fingerprint of climate change on observed trends and events, visit Science Sources: Detection and Attribution.


Title Source Date Author(s)
Climate change now detectable from any single day of weather at global scale Nature Climate Change Sebastian Sippel, Nicolai Meinshausen, Erich M. Fischer, Enikő Székely, Reto Knutti
Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change Assessment: Part I Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Thomas Knutson, Suzana J. Camargo, Johnny C. L. Chan, Kerry Emanuel, Chang-Hoi Ho, James Kossin, Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, Masaki Satoh, Masato Sugi, Kevin Walsh, and Liguang Wu
NCA 4: Climate Change Impacts in the United States (Volume I) U.S. Global Change Research Program Donald Wuebbles, David Fahey, and Kathleen Hibbard
IPCC AR5 WGI: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis Cambridge University Press Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley (eds.)
Attribution of climate extreme events Nature Climate Change Kevin E. Trenberth, John T. Fasullo & Theodore G. Shepherd
Title Source Date Author(s)
Recent intensification of Amazon flooding extremes driven by strengthened Walker circulation Science Advances Jonathan Barichivich, Emanuel Gloor, Philippe Peylin, Roel J. W. Brienen, Jochen Schöngart, Jhan Carlo Espinoza, Kanhu C. Pattnayak
The human influence on Hurricane Florence Stony Brook University’s School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Kevin Reed, Alyssa Stansfield, Michael Wehner, and Colin Zarzycki
On the causes of declining Colorado River streamflows Water Resources Research Mu Xiao, Bradley Udall, Dennis P. Lettenmaier
A stratospheric pathway linking a colder Siberia to Barents-Kara Sea sea ice loss Science Advances Pengfei Zhang, Yutian Wu, Isla R. Simpson, Karen L. Smith, Xiangdong Zhang, Bithi De, Patrick Callaghan
Toward Regional-Scale Climate Change Detection AMS Journal of Climate Francis W. Zwiers and Xuebin Zhang
Hydroclimatic flood trends in the northeastern United States and linkages with large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns Hydrological Sciences Journal William H. Armstrong, Mathias J. Collins & Noah P. Snyder
Anthropogenic Weakening of the Tropical Circulation: The Relative Roles of Direct CO2 Forcing and Sea Surface Temperature Change AMS Journal of Climate Jie He and Brian Soden
Global Warming Pattern Formation: Sea Surface Temperature and Rainfall AMS Journal of Climate Shang-Ping Xie, Clara Deser, Gabriel A. Vecchi, Jian Ma, Haiyan Teng, and Andrew T. Wittenberg
Global Warming and the Weakening of the Tropical Circulation AMS Journal of Climate Vecchi and Soden
Decreasing fire season precipitation increased recent western US forest wildfire activity Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Zachary A. Holden, Alan Swanson, Charles H. Luce, W. Matt Jolly, Marco Maneta, Jared W. Oyler, Dyer A. Warren, Russell Parsons, David Affleck
The influence of Arctic amplification on mid-latitude summer circulation Nature Communications D. Coumou, G. Di Capua, S. Vavrus, L. Wang, S. Wang
Marine heatwaves under global warming Nature Thomas L. Frölicher, Erich M. Fischer, Nicolas Gruber
A 1500-year reconstruction of annual mean temperature for temperate North America on decadal-to-multidecadal time scales Environmental Research Letters V Trouet, H F Diaz, E R Wahl, A E Viau, R Graham, N Graham, E R Cook
Continental-scale temperature variability during the past two millennia PAGES 2k Consortium, Moinuddin Ahmed, Kevin J. Anchukaitis, Asfawossen Asrat, Hemant P. Borgaonkar, Martina Braida, Brendan M. Buckley, Ulf Büntgen, Brian M. Chase, Duncan A. Christie et al
The emergence of surface-based Arctic amplification The Cryosphere Serreze, M. C., Barrett, A. P., Stroeve, J. C., Kindig, D. N., Holland, M. M.
Rising Variability in Thunderstorm-Related U.S. Losses as a Reflection of Changes in Large-Scale Thunderstorm Forcing AMS Journal of Climate J. Sander, J. F. Eichner, E. Faust, and M. Steuer
Strengthening contrast between precipitation in tropical wet and dry regions Geophysical Research Letters D. Polson, G. C. Hegerl
Globally rising soil heterotrophic respiration over recent decades Nature Ben Bond-Lamberty, Vanessa L. Bailey, Min Chen, Christopher M. Gough, Rodrigo Vargas
The impact of land ownership, firefighting, and reserve status on fire probability in California Environmental Research Letters Carlin Frances Starrs, Van Butsic, Connor Stephens, William Stewart
Atmospheric blocking as a traffic jam in the jet stream Science Noboru Nakamura, Clare S. Y. Huang