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Exploring links between Arctic amplification and mid-latitude weather
- Examines observed changes (1979–2011) in atmospheric planetary-wave amplitude over northern mid-latitudes, which have been proposed as a possible mechanism linking Arctic amplification and mid-latitude weather extremes
- Uses two distinct but equally-valid definitions of planetary-wave amplitude, termed meridional amplitude, a measure of north-south meandering, and zonal amplitude, a measure of the intensity of atmospheric ridges and troughs at 45°N
- Holds that statistically significant changes in either metric are limited to few seasons, wavelengths, and longitudinal sectors
- Identifies in the summer, however, significant increases in meridional amplitude over Europe, but significant decreases in zonal amplitude hemispherically, and also individually over Europe and Asia
- Argues that possible connections between Arctic amplification and planetary waves, and implications of these, are sensitive to how waves are conceptualized
- States that the contrasting meridional and zonal amplitude trends have different and complex possible implications for midlatitude weather, and we encourage further work to better understand these
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