Publication Date January 13, 2016 | WxShift

First Pali, Now Alex: Odd January Tropical Activity Continues

January was already shaping up to be a weird month, what with a hurricane out in the Pacific, but it just got weirder: Say hello to Subtropical Storm Alex, a rare January storm in the Atlantic and the first storm of the 2016 Atlantic hurricane season.
Subtropical Storm Alex in the Atlantic. Image: RAMSDIS-CIRA
Subtropical Storm Alex in the Atlantic. Image: RAMSDIS-CIRA

January was already shaping up to be a weird month, what with a hurricane out in the Pacific, but it just got weirder: Say hello to Subtropical Storm Alex, a rare January storm in the Atlantic and the first storm of the 2016 Atlantic hurricane season.

A season that doesn’t officially begin until June 1...

[T]he NHC and the Central Pacific Hurricane Center in Hawaii are both issuing advisories on storms in January for the first time in their history. Like we said, a weird month.