Maps: Present and Future Heat Wave Intensity, Duration and Frequency in the Eastern US
by Y Gao, J S Fu, J B Drake, Y Liu, J-F Lamarque
The spatial distributions of heat wave intensity, duration and frequency at present (2001–4) and future climate (RCP 8.5, 2057–9):
(a) four year average of heat wave intensity at present climate (2001–4),
(b) three year average of heat wave intensity at future climate under RCP 8.5,
(c) the differences of heat wave intensity between RCP 8.5 and present climate (RCP 8.5—present climate),
(d)–(f) are similar as (a)–(c), but applies to heat wave duration, (g)–(i) are similar as (a)–(c) as well, but applies to heat wave frequency.[1]