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Temperature Mediated Moose Survival in Northeastern Minnesota
- States Northern Minnesota represents the southern edge to the circumpolar distribution of moose (Alces alces), a species intolerant of heat
- States moose increase their metabolic rate to regulate their core body temperature as temperatures rise
- Hypothesizes that moose survival rates would be a function of the frequency and magnitude that ambient temperatures exceeded the upper critical temperature of moose
- Compares annual and seasonal moose survival in northeastern Minnesota between 2002 and 2008 with a temperature metric
- Finds that models based on January temperatures above the critical threshold were inversely correlated with subsequent survival and explained >78% of variability in spring, fall, and annual survival
- Finds models based on late-spring temperatures also explained a high proportion of survival during the subsequent fall
- A model based on warm-season temperatures was important in explaining survival during the subsequent winter
- Analysis suggests that temperatures may have a cumulative influence on survival
- Researchers expect that continuation or acceleration of current climate trends will result in decreased survival, a decrease in moose density, and ultimately, a retreat of moose northward from their current distribution
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