Infographic: Highest Water Levels During Hermine
NOAA's Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services maintains a permanent observing system that includes 210 continuously operating water level stations throughout the U.S. and its territories. These water level stations provide real-time oceanographic and meteorological observations, which are critical data for communities, particularly during storms impacting the coast.
This graphic depicts highest water levels along the coast throughout the duration of this storm. Highest water levels are measured in feet above Mean Higher High Water (MHHW). MHHW is defined as the average daily highest tide. Inundation typically begins when water levels exceed MHHW.
The values depicted on this graphic are based on preliminary observed water levels from NOAA and partner tide stations.
The highest measured water levels during Hermine were recorded at the following four locations:
- Cedar Key, Florida: 6.1 feet.
- Hatteras, North Carolina: 4.4 feet.
- Sewells Point, Virginia: 3.4 feet.
- Apalachicola and Clearwater Beach, Florida: 3 feet.