Publication Date May 8, 2017 | USA Today

Dangerous heat wave scorching Europe

Photo: AccuWeather
Photo: AccuWeather

An intense heat wave is baking Europe this week, with countries from Spain to England setting record high temperatures.

The hot days and warm nights are creating dangerous conditions for those unable to escape the heat, AccuWeather warned.


The high temperatures in Europe — following blistering, deadly heat waves in India and Pakistan that killed thousands in May and June — are helping push 2015's global temperatures to the highest in recorded human history, according to the Weather Underground.

Europeans are wary of heat waves, with the murderous heat of 2003 — when 70,000 died — still fresh in people's minds. In France, where 20,000 died in 2003, a nationwide heat emergency plan has been enacted this week, the Guardian reported. This includes opening cooling centers and checking on the elderly and vulnerable.