Publication Date October 11, 2023 | Climate Nexus Hot News

Non-Hoppy IPAs In Our Future

The quantity and quality of hops, a key ingredient in most beers, is being affected by global heating, according to the study. (Credit: Charly Triballeau/AFP/Getty Images)
The quantity and quality of hops, a key ingredient in most beers, is being affected by global heating, according to the study. (Credit: Charly Triballeau/AFP/Getty Images)

If you love to crush brewskis on the weekend, I have some bad news: extreme heat is going to make your beer more expensive and make it taste worse, a new study has found. Research published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications takes a look at how climate change is going to impact the growing of hops in Europe, finding that heat is going to decrease the yield by as much as 18% over the next few decades, while the alpha acids in the hops themselves—a key component of their flavor and aroma—could decline between 20 to 31%. “Beer drinkers will definitely see the climate change, either in the price tag or the quality,” co-author Miroslav Trnka, a scientist at the Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, told the Guardian. “That seems to be inevitable from our data.”

(The GuardianWashington Post $, ABCUSA Today)

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