Publication Date July 24, 2017 | Washington Post

Harrisburg, Pa., had an epic deluge Sunday: Over four inches of rain fell in a single hour

United States
HRRR model estimate of total precipitable water, an indicator of atmospheric moisture, at 7 p.m. Sunday. Image: WeatherBell
HRRR model estimate of total precipitable water, an indicator of atmospheric moisture, at 7 p.m. Sunday. Image: WeatherBell

When it rains, it pours! Just ask residents living just outside Harrisburg, Pa., where a quick-hitting but exceptionally intense downpour dumped an unbelievable amount of rain.

In a single hour, just before 7 p.m., the atmosphere unloaded 4.27 inches at Harrisburg International Airport in Middletown, Pa. Over an inch came down in a mere 10 minutes between 6:15 and 6:25 p.m.


In all, 4.71 inches of rain fell Sunday, shattering records for the date and ranking as one of the top five daily rain totals ever recorded in the Harrisburg area.